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Elk Grove History

Welcome to our oral history of the Greater Elk Grove area.
We offer both family histories along with local area history.


Family Histories

In this Section, we provide three distinct sets of stories for Elk Grove.

First, we present a variety of family histories of the Greater Elk Grove area, including when they settled here, where and how they came, details about their lives, occupations, and their involvement in community activities.

Second, we present the story of those who were intensely affected by a world event, which, like none other since the Gold Rush, has had cascading effects on Elk Grove which, dramatically and permanently, altered the fabric and vibrancy of the community. This event was the Vietnam War.


Finally, we present the stories of local area Veterans from various conflicts in American History. 


Local Area Stories

In this Section we capture individuals or groups discussing businesses, ranches and farms, schools and churches, community activities, unusual events, memorable characters, or historic happenings from the Greater Elk Grove area.


Business and Industry
Blacksmiths, auto dealers, insurance, water, electric and telephone companies, butcher shops and groceries, all were essential to the community. Agricultural businesses ranged from livestock, fruit, citrus and nut orchards, vineyards and wineries, hops, grains, strawberries and vegetables.


Important Eras

Each decade has historical significance: Land grants, gold rush, railroad, parks, fire department, post offices, water, telephone, electricity.


Historical Events

Each decade has historical significance: Land grants, gold rush, railroad, parks, fire department, post offices, water, telephone, electricity.


Social Setting

The fabric of the area begins at individual homes and ranches into small area communities which include social and fraternal clubs, churches, and benevolent groups with activities such as parades, dances, bonfires, and sports teams.


As of August 31, 2024, the Foundation has discontinued operations.

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