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On June 1, 2024, the Foundation entered into an agreement with the Sacramento County Library system to acquire the full digital media Collection of over 300 audiocast and video episodes produced by the Foundation.
With this arrangement, the library system will, in perpetuity, preserve and protect the Collection while making the Collection available to all libraries in the State of California, including the libraries of the University of California, and the California State Library.
The Foundation Collection can be accessed through the California Library System.
This arrangement is the final of the major objectives the Foundation laid out in 2016 for bringing “History into the Future”.
Therefore, as of August 31, 2024, the Foundation discontinues active operations.
Should you wish to acknowledge the entertainment and informative value of the Foundation Collection, please make checks payable to:
Elk Grove Regional Scholarship Foundation
In the Memo section of the check with a Note that the contribution is for:
“The Linda Mae Mahon Lema Memorial Scholarship”
Mail to:
P.O. Box 2021
Elk Grove CA, 95759
The Elk Grove Regional Scholarship Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.